I went with Ima and Nana to Downtown Miami (where the signs all say DWNTWN -- hey, I'm trying to learn to read here!).We went on a train (the People Mover) and then went to the Historical Museum of South Florida. Here I am with an old cannon, playing in a real trolley from a long time ago, and playing my favorite game of "in" and "out." I put all the toy foods into the washbasin, got in, and then threw the toy foods out! FUN!!! Ok, I put two toy oranges in the cradle with the teddy bear, but the other foods in the washbasin.
When we got home, I said my first three word sentence that didn't have the same word repeated three times (like up up up aypaym!). I said "Mima, Ayyeh in." Which means Ima, Ariel wants to come into the room with you. Of course, Ima was in the bathroom, so Ayyeh didn't get in. No no no. I also say "Ayyeh" when I want to do something myself now. And I can repeat pretty much anything -- except balloon -- so my list of words is a bit outdated. I do say lots of new words and phrases on purpose though: wait, okay, in, on, out, off, hug, again, "baby cry," and eyyo (hello) are a few of my new favorites. I can also say "Diego" for "Go, Diego, Go."
Dayday, as you all should know by now if you've been reading my blog, is one of my favoritest people in the whole wide world. He lets me play outside with the hose! Here we are taking a break from spraying the hose on me, and then there's a picture of me IN the laundry basket taking water OUT of a big bowl. My favorite game meets water!

And here I am with Nana, Poppy, and Dayday just before leaving for the airport. Thank you for exhausting yourselves chasing me around. I had a blast! Come visit me soon!!!! I'll share my cookies.

"Bye bye. Hug. Mo hug. Ayyeh aypaym. Mima. Up up up. Home. Abba."