Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Still growing...
Well, I'm now really getting this "two" thing. I can throw a temper tantrum like you wouldn't believe, I can put on my own sandals (not on the right feet, but I can get them on nonetheless), and I can take my socks off. I'm not interested in the potty yet (except in putting toilet paper into the potty and flushing it every time I walk by... and using it as a stool to reach the sink so I can wash my hands).
I am speaking in clear three and four word sentences these days -- and in Hebrew too. I say things like לא רוצה and אמא עושה לי and די מסוכן and מי זה and מה זה
In English, I make jokes and think about my day even after Ima puts me to sleep. The other night I spent ten minutes shouting "Ego (Diego), Dora, Boots" before I fell asleep. Ima thinks I was replaying the episode in my head. I also point out when things are "funny." They make me laugh!
I am really enjoying my gan too -- we have a lot of fun and special activities each week. On Mondays there is a rhythmica teacher who comes to teach us songs and movement and dances, and on Wednesdays we get to hear stories about animals and meet a new one each week. Last week we met gerbils!
Finally, I wanted to let you all know that I can count to fourteen. It goes like this:
free, four, five, six, veven, nine, ten, eveven, ten, fourteen.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My secular birthday was October 8, but it wasn't much fun this year because it was on Erev Yom Kippur. So I went to shul and tried really really hard to listen quietly, but then Ima took me outside because I was "fussy." I was doing pretty well for a two year old, thank you! It WAS my birthday (one of them, anyway) after all! I think Ima was fussy, so I ran outside and she listened to the davening from there. Then Abba came outside too and we listened together, and then we went home and Ima and Abba and I all went to sleep at my bedtime.
On my Hebrew birthday, 17 Tishrei, I had a party. Uncle Erik was there, and my friends Avi and Aviv and Lia and Eliana and Gilad (and his brother Eyal) came over and we colored, played with playdough that Ima made, and ate train (and airplane, motorcycle, and car) shaped pasta, and then went to the sukkah for a yummy cake that Ima made. It was shaped like a CHOO CHOO TRAIN! And boy was I excited! I also liked my presents!!!
The next day we went on a trip up north. It wasn't much fun, but I got to see my cousins Yosef and Batya and Estee, and to ride on a bus. Oh, and Abba let me eat some gee-gums (gummies). They were yummy!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Fan, outside!
So I pointed it out:
Fan, outside! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Fan, outside! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
This went on for about 20 minutes, and I got Ima and Abba to laugh too.
I made a joke.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Hooray for pee-pee!
We're all very excited -- especially Ariel, who got a sticker for his efforts.
Shocking, revealing photos of Ariel on his potty will follow shortly...
Friday, September 19, 2008
I just didn't want to be in the stroller -- "AYYEH" wanted to do it himself.
Actually, to be exact, I ran home.
Since I like to give play by play of what I'm "doin', I said "run" and then ran about 5 yards/meters. Then I stopped and waited for Ima's permission to run again, pumping my arms the whole way. I had to hold Ima's hand to cross the street, which I did not like ONE bit). I had fun running, and then fell promptly asleep for a 3+ hour nap!
I also like to walk. And to take my puppy for a walk. I command it to "WALK" and then sometimes get frustrated when his leash gets tangled around his neck or ear or foot.
By the way, if you're keeping track, I started walking about 11 months ago. On October 24th 2007 (ring a bell? I did it for Ima and Abba's wedding anniversary!), I took my first steps without the help of the coffee table or someone's legs or hands.
Now I run, jump (on both feet), climb all the way up the steps to our apartment without holding on, walk down stairs (holding the railing or the wall -- though I can do the bottom two steps without holding on!), climb ladders in the playground, and I haven't met a jungle gym I didn't like!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Moon bubbles
When I got there, I looked up. And I reported what I saw to Ima.
"Moon bubble. Up. Yook."
In other words, I could see the moon, and it looked like a bubble. And it was, in fact, up. And I wanted Ima to look at it. Ima says it's because it was just a full moon, but all I know is that it looked like a bubble.
Yesterday, I reported from the balcony too.
"Copper. Up. Yook. 'pin. More."
Helicopter. Up -- look! It's spinning. Can I see more?
I really do mean for my words to be strung together in what Ima calls sentences, but I still put a full stop between each word. It's hard to learn a language or two.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My playdate with Avi
Avi is about two months older than me, and he's even taller than I am! But Ima says that we were destined to be friends because Avi came to visit me in the hospital when I was born, and his mommy had been in the same hospital room (and bed) when Avi was born! So we have a lot in common!!! We also both like raisins, veggie puffs, and macaroni and cheese. Not to mention Elmo, trains, and making messes.
We had a lot of fun! Before Avi left, we hugged and said bye bye, and then I waved bye bye to Avi from the balcony for about 15 minutes. Ima says Avi was probably home by the time I came inside and stopped shouting "AVI, BYE BYE!!!"
Come back soon, Avi!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Up up up aypaym
Eleven hours later, here is our aypaym. Ima took the picture after we walked off the plane and while we were waiting for my stroller and car seat. Our plane is the one attached to the building.
And here I am with my stroller and car seat, after my long nap! Abba, here I come!!!!
Next time we go to Merca, Ima and Abba said that I will have to get my own seat for real..... because I'll be a big boy then.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Last days in Merca
When we got home, I said my first three word sentence that didn't have the same word repeated three times (like up up up aypaym!). I said "Mima, Ayyeh in." Which means Ima, Ariel wants to come into the room with you. Of course, Ima was in the bathroom, so Ayyeh didn't get in. No no no. I also say "Ayyeh" when I want to do something myself now. And I can repeat pretty much anything -- except balloon -- so my list of words is a bit outdated. I do say lots of new words and phrases on purpose though: wait, okay, in, on, out, off, hug, again, "baby cry," and eyyo (hello) are a few of my new favorites. I can also say "Diego" for "Go, Diego, Go."
Dayday, as you all should know by now if you've been reading my blog, is one of my favoritest people in the whole wide world. He lets me play outside with the hose! Here we are taking a break from spraying the hose on me, and then there's a picture of me IN the laundry basket taking water OUT of a big bowl. My favorite game meets water!
And here I am with Nana, Poppy, and Dayday just before leaving for the airport. Thank you for exhausting yourselves chasing me around. I had a blast! Come visit me soon!!!! I'll share my cookies.
"Bye bye. Hug. Mo hug. Ayyeh aypaym. Mima. Up up up. Home. Abba."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
After my bath I curl up on the couch in my pajamas. Sometimes I get to watch Sesame Street or Diego or Elmo's World. I think a toddler (or a toddler's frustrated parents?) might have invented "Cable On Demand." Because I say "ELMO" and there it is -- on demand!
Sammy lets Ariel get closer!
This spoon is called a fork
When I want to eat ice cream or Cheerios, I ask for my "poom." But that's not what I really want. I want the one with the spikes. The one my Ima says is called a fork. That's ok, I'll still call it a spoon. And as long as I can get the ice cream (ok, the Tofutti) into my mouth, does it really matter if I use a fork?
Oh, and my tummy doesn't hurt anymore. I've stopped screaming incessantly. Ima and Nana figured out that I'm lactose intolerant. I drink special milk and take vanilla flavored "crackers" and then I can eat whatever I want. Yum.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Then we went to the supermarket (again) and I got to ride in the supermarket car (again) and drive the cart (again). We go the supermarket a lot. I don't mind -- they give me balloons at the checkout, I get to look at balloons through the whole store (yes, the WHOLE store!). I scream "llyaum" "llyaum" (I sound Welsh) every time I see one. Ima asked me to say "ba" and I said "BA" and then she asked me to say "loon" and I said "yoon." She asked me over and over, and I said "ba" "yoon" "ba" "yoon." But then she said "Ariel, say balloon."
I said:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
In Florida!
I've done other things in Florida too. Nana lets me play with playdough, and paint, and things. I like to paint pictures of "aypayms" -- both of my pictures here are of airplanes, if you can't tell (I made Ima write my name on one airplane picture in gold paint, because it was shiny). I like to point out the A in my name. I also like to mix paints to see what happens, which Nana says is ok because I'm learning things about the world and because the paints only cost a dollar. I don't know what a dollar is, but it must not be a lot! I have a lot of fun making messes -- and then Nana cleans me up in the kitchen sink, because I'm just too messy to go up the stairs to the bath!
Bubbie and Zayde Ser come to visit
And here we are making a block tower while Dayday watches!
And here I am spouting my wisdom -- showing Bubbie how I can make water come out of my cup by turning it upside down. I'm learning about gravity.
And here's Zayde on the phone with my Abba. I also like to talk on the phone to Abba. I say "eyyo" "eyyo" "ABBA!!!!!!!!!" and the mostly say "yeah" and "no" when Abba asks me things. Zayde said more than that!
Bubbie is really good at building Lincoln Log trains. She makes them and I throw them off the tracks. We're a good team!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Florida cats are different
Gizmo is the other cat. He pretty much keeps to himself... Nana says he's smart. I don't know what she's talking about!