Well, I'm now really getting this "two" thing. I can throw a temper tantrum like you wouldn't believe, I can put on my own sandals (not on the right feet, but I can get them on nonetheless), and I can take my socks off. I'm not interested in the potty yet (except in putting toilet paper into the potty and flushing it every time I walk by... and using it as a stool to reach the sink so I can wash my hands).
I am speaking in clear three and four word sentences these days -- and in Hebrew too. I say things like לא רוצה and אמא עושה לי and די מסוכן and מי זה and מה זה
In English, I make jokes and think about my day even after Ima puts me to sleep. The other night I spent ten minutes shouting "Ego (Diego), Dora, Boots" before I fell asleep. Ima thinks I was replaying the episode in my head. I also point out when things are "funny." They make me laugh!
I am really enjoying my gan too -- we have a lot of fun and special activities each week. On Mondays there is a rhythmica teacher who comes to teach us songs and movement and dances, and on Wednesdays we get to hear stories about animals and meet a new one each week. Last week we met gerbils!
Finally, I wanted to let you all know that I can count to fourteen. It goes like this:
free, four, five, six, veven, nine, ten, eveven, ten, fourteen.
And today we met a turtle, צב. I made nice, and he was very fun to meet.
too cute! and so big. they all get this big, don't they? and, G-d willing, even bigger. i just can't imagine it! Ariel's counting is better than mine was. When I was his age, I could count the stairs in our house on 37th street, and it went "two, nine, tirteen!" he's a few numbers more advanced than I was!
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