Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Moon bubbles

This morning when I woke up, I ran to the balcony. (I provided the script, too, saying "run" as I was doing it.)

When I got there, I looked up. And I reported what I saw to Ima.

"Moon bubble. Up. Yook."

In other words, I could see the moon, and it looked like a bubble. And it was, in fact, up. And I wanted Ima to look at it. Ima says it's because it was just a full moon, but all I know is that it looked like a bubble.

Yesterday, I reported from the balcony too.

"Copper. Up. Yook. 'pin. More."

Helicopter. Up -- look! It's spinning. Can I see more?

I really do mean for my words to be strung together in what Ima calls sentences, but I still put a full stop between each word. It's hard to learn a language or two.

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