Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bubbie and Zayde Ser come to visit

My Abba isn't with us, but Bubbie and Zayde still came to visit! Here's Bubbie playing Bristle Blocks with me while I drink from my new Tigger cup.

And here we are making a block tower while Dayday watches!
And here I am spouting my wisdom -- showing Bubbie how I can make water come out of my cup by turning it upside down. I'm learning about gravity.
And here's Zayde on the phone with my Abba. I also like to talk on the phone to Abba. I say "eyyo" "eyyo" "ABBA!!!!!!!!!" and the mostly say "yeah" and "no" when Abba asks me things. Zayde said more than that!
Bubbie is really good at building Lincoln Log trains. She makes them and I throw them off the tracks. We're a good team!

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